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Different Pests


Yellow Jackets

  • 1/2 inch long with black and yellow bodies.

  • The waist is thin and defined, and the wings are as long as the body.

  • Yellow jackets can produce multiple stings, and the stings can cause an allergic reaction in some people.

  • Colonies can contain 1,000 workers.

  • The colonies can be found under porches, steps, in sidewalk cracks, bases of trees, bushes, low hanging branches, or corners of buildings.

  • They eat other insects, overripe fruit, sugary drinks, human food/food waste, and meat.



  • Dusty yellow to dark brown or black in color.

  • Two long legs hang down visibly during flight.

  • Most eat other insects.

  • They construct hives in protected spaces such as attics, eaves, soil cavities, or trees by chewing wood into papery construction pulp

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  • Black and dark body with some yellow.

  • They construct hives on top of trees, in attic rafters, and other covered areas by chewing wood into papery construction pulp.

  • A colony can contain 700 workers.

  • They release pheromones to raise alarm of nest attacks and to identify prey.

  • Hornets can mobilize the entire nest to sting in defense, which is highly dangerous to humans.

  • They eat mostly other insects, such as honey bees.

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